Saturday, September 7, 2024

This Is The Life

Hello scrappy friends and happy September to you!

Today marks a new challenge to tackle at Challenge YOUrself.  This month we want you to create a layout using a lot of patterned paper.

Here is my inspiration...

Me and my love doing what we love.  We are all about pontooning and soaking up that vitamin D.  We're not ready for this to end so please stop fall from approaching!

For this layout I used a ton of patterned paper and the embellishments are patterned as well.  I went with a beach theme for the water vibe.  My design is a great way to use up those paper scraps. I really love how it turned out.

Now it's your turn!  Go have some fun with it and use up those patterned paper scraps.  
This challenge is perfect for that.  

Be sure to include YOU in a photo.  That is a must to qualify for our monthly prize.  Take a look at the additional inspiration from our talented designers when you share your layout with us at Challenge YOUrself.  So many possibilities with this month's challenge.

I really look forward to seeing what you come up with.  Thank you so much for stopping by.  
I truly apricate your time.

Happy Scrapping, 